Temp Mail-Temporary disposable Email Address

 What is a Disposable Email Address & How to Manage (Avoid) Them

 It's no secret that a robust healthy mailing list full of engaged subscribers who love your brand is the best marketing tool you can have in your arsenal. Email marketing has the highest ROI of any online marketing approach.

 Building that healthy email list can be tricky. You need to make sure that every email on the list is an active and valid email address. This is where being able to detect disposable email address instances becomes very important.

 Abstract's APIs are production-ready now.

 Abstract's suite of API's are built to save you time. You don't need to be an expert in email validation, IP geolocation, etc. Just focus on writing code that's actually valuable for your app or business, and we'll handle the rest.

 Before we dive into how to scrub your mailing list of these temporary email addresses, let's take a quick look at how a disposable email address works, and how it is different from a regular and correct email address.

 There are three types of disposable email addresses: alias addresses, forwarding addresses, and non-forwarding addresses.

 An alias address is simply another email address set up under the user's primary domain, and any emails sent to this alias are filtered into a separate folder from the user's primary inbox folder. Because they are managed by popular domains like Gmail, these still technically count as "real" addresses.

 Beginner's Guide to Disposable Email Addresses

 A forwarding address is a separate email address set up under a different domain, which forwards emails to the user's primary account. The user might then apply to filter to manage incoming messages from their forwarding address.

 A non-forwarding address is what we'll be discussing in this article. It's a temporary email address, handled by a company specifically set up to provide disposable email addresses to users. The address does not forward emails to the recipient's inbox and usually disappears after a certain amount of time.

 The Benefits and Drawbacks of Using Disposable Email Addresses

 From a consumer standpoint, it's easy to see why a disposable email address is attractive: today's inboxes are full of spam and unread emails. If you are worried about spam, a disposable email address is a good safety net for avoiding it.

 Another benefit for the consumer using a disposable email address is protecting personal information. If a company you signed up with gets hacked, you won't have to worry about bad actors getting their hands on your real email address.

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 Finally, if all you want to do is leave a comment on a blog post, or get the free eBook offered for signing up for a mailing list, using a disposable email address to do this makes sense.

 On the other hand, using a disposable email address might lead to missing important emails, which will not be forwarded to your main mail server.

 How to Detect Disposable Email Addresses

 It's not always easy to detect disposable emails. There are dozens of existing disposable email domain names, and more are being added every day. Keeping track of the list of disposable domains is a near-impossible task.

Temp Mail

 The only real way to detect disposable emails is to monitor the inboxes of those addresses and perform periodic audits to assess their deliverability of them. But again, this is a time-consuming task.

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 For this reason, most companies turn to online services to handle disposable email address detection for them. Services like NeverBounce, ZeroBounce, AbstractAPI, and others can help you detect temporary email addresses so they don't pollute your list.

 Let's take a look at how you can use AbstractAPI's Free Email Verification API to perform disposable email address detection and ensure that your mailing list is made up of only valid email addresses.

 Using the API to Detect an Incoming Temporary Email Address

 AbstractAPI exposes a REST endpoint that you can use in your online forms to perform real-time email validation and prevent fake emails from ending up on your list in the first place. Simply make a call to the API when the user inputs their email address, and you'll get a response telling you whether the email is real, valid, and active.

 Get Started With the API

 Get Started With the API

 To use the Abstract Free Email Validation API, you'll have to sign up for an account and get an API key. The account is free for life. The API key authenticates you with the API and allows you to make requests.

 Go to the home page and click "Get Started"

 After you sign up, you'll be taken to the API dashboard, where you'll see your API key.

 Send a Test Email Validation Request to the API

 Choose your preferred language in the testing sandbox. For example, Javascript. You'll see a block of code that you can copy and paste into your own app or web form.

 All of these fields are important in detecting invalid emails. For this article, you can just look at the is_free_email and is_disposable_email fields. These will tell you whether or not the email is for a fake inbox.

 AbstractAPI maintains thorough records of known disposable emails and continuously updates its database when new ones are discovered.

 Using the Bulk Uploader to Detect Multiple Temporary Email Addresses

 As well as using the endpoint to detect temporary addresses in real-time, you can use the bulk uploader to upload a CSV file of email addresses to the email verification API and find all the temporary emails that are already on your list.

Jessie B

About Jessie B

Leading Web Experts Dedicated To Providing You The Highest Quality Web Services At A Reasonable Price. We Offer An Extensive Collection Of Web Services

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